Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Buying peanuts for OIT
I videoed our experience at Walmart, buying peanuts for the first time in 9 years. Everyone was a little emotional, but it is done!
Candi had the cashier double bag them so they would not contaminate the car, and so that they could safely make it into her house, and on our trip to Dallas Thursday! Buying peanuts, that's crazy talk!!!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Buying Peanuts?!?!?!?

Just received this message from Candi:
The nurse told me to buy peanuts!!! I can't believe my ears. Jewel only has 1 more updose before she will be eating actual peanut pieces (approx 1/8 of one). I am so ever thankful for these Dr.s and Nurses. Never in my life would I have thought I'd be buying peanuts to give to my peanut allergic daughter! God is good!

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Updose video

https://youtu.be/LCSzcTpceMYdUpdose day video

Peanut Solution


Updose Day

updose day video
One more updose and Jewel will go to an actual 1/10 of a peanut! It is starting to get real! #oitworks

The trips to Dallas every other week are not easy on any of us, but knowing how life-changing this is for not only Jewel, but for our entire family makes it all worthwhile.
Soon the constant fear of a potentially life-threatening reaction will be a terrible memory, and we will be living a new reality. Exciting days ahead!
Many thanks to Dr. Wasserman for initiating this protocol, and to Dr. Silvers and the rest of the staff at Allergy Partners of North Dallas for making it seem so doable.
Praying for another uneventful two weeks! Daddy and Shelton will be coming with them next time, they will make a family trip out of it and visit the zoo. I hope Jewel realizes how lucky she is to be born into a family that is willing to give everything they have to see her have a normal healthy life.
Until next time....